CMS Updates
This page shows regular ongoing development and bug fixes as well as new features and client requests.
7.4.5 Building in bot Blocking
Enhancing the CMS to deal with dodgy bots and block them. Over the coming weeks I will be enhancing this feature to try to tackle the bots attacking your website.
7.4.5 Drag and Drop order
Updated drag and Drop to move attached content with the parent content.
7.4. Database updates
Preparation work carried out ready for upgrade of our database servers, should produce faster loading times and additional security.
7.3.4 SEO Enhancements
We have now added a Link Checker to the SEO tools allowing all internal, on-page links to be checked in one place, making it a lot easier to ensure links are working and still valid.
7.3.4 MySQL update
Updated code throughout ready for the new MySQL upgrade from version 5 to 8
7.3.4 New Feature Added
Popup Notices and Messages to your website, allowing you to notify your customers of anything with simple popups, boxed messages and more, contact me now for more information.
7.3.4 Order Processing
Added Purchase Order field to the invoices.
7.3.4 Customer Orders Status Page
Introducing a new Order Status page for your customers to track their orders and see what is happening. Need this? Get in touch and it can be added to your website.
7.3.4 Bug Fixes
Fixed a few annoying bugs, if you find any of these pesky creatures please let me know
7.3.4 Media Manager Update
Quickly and Easily rename your media files using the new multi-rename facility.
7.3.4 Digital Download Updates
Updated the digital download features allowing easier management of downloadable digital assets
7.3.4 Member Manager Updated
Better layout of the members editor allowing faster and more accurate updates to be made
7.3.4 Media Browser Update
It is now possible to select multiple files when using the Add Addiitonal Images/Files option rather than selecting and adding one at a time.
7.3.4 Order Processing
Added a new Thank you email message that can be sent to customers, email text can be edited directly in the CMS.
7.3.0 Undo Feature
Undo Feature added storing deleted and updated content which can be updated
7.3.0 Notifications
Added a new Notifications button at top right showing New Orders, Contacts and Gift Cards about to expire.
7.3.0 Dashboard Update
Added Mailing List Data to Dashboard stats
7.3.0 SEO Feature update
Added Canonical information to the Meta Data popup, making it easy to see if the page being viewed is a copy of another page url.
7.3.0 Newsletter System Update
Working on new methods to send email newsletters ready for the Christmas rush, get in touch if you would like a newsletter designed and sent out in time for Christmas
7.5.6 Statistics Update
Added full blog viewing stats to see show how well your blogs perform
7.5.5 Order Status Updated
Added some new status settings for orders of Gift Cards and digital download products
7.5.5 Attributes or Options
Stock levels for options can now be set very quickly in the Options Editor
7.5.5 Order Processing Update
Added order checklist and dispatch form for using to pack the order ready for shipping
7.5.5 Added Voucher code
Added a new Voucher code for discount valid during September 2023 ANNIVERSARY25
7.5.4 Export updates
Added some new Exporting facilities allowing data to be exported, for record keeping, backup, and transferred to other platforms etc.
7.5.4 SEO Updates
Fixed an issue with duplicate Meta data and added a feature to view any duplicate page Title tags to help with SEO work.
7.5.4 Backup and Monthly Stats rewrite
Adding automated backup and monthly stats emailer to the server jobs rather than being part of visitors ensures this is automatically carried out twice a week without impacting visitors
7.5.4 Basket Management Updates
Admin can now search and add products to customers baskets on the fly during or after purchase
7.5.4 Import and Export Update
Added Export and Import for Digital Download Products
7.5.4 Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with the Sitemap when mapping pages to categories
7.5.4 Bug Fixes
Fixing some persistent bugs in the CMS code and making it more secure.
7.5.4 CMS Updates
Any CMS Updates now emailed out to clients letting them know what is new and fixed.
7.5.3 Attributes or Options
Changed the name of attributes to Options and added a feature to allow dragging and dropping the order of items
7.5.2 Content Fields Editor
Streamlined the content editor for fields and updated the layout
7.5.1 Discount Codes updated
Now discount codes can be assigned to specific products giving customers discounts only for a particular item that is on offer
7.5.1 Attribute Editor and Name change
Enhanced Attribute editor and changed name to Options
7.5.1 Prep for Upgrades
Preparing to Upgrade CMS to PHP Version 8
7.5.1 Database Clean
Cleaned database stats to remove stats older than 3 years.
7.5. Attributes Update
Quickly add new attributes or upgrade/alternate versions and assign them to a product
7.5. Update to Media Manager
Added New Drag and Drop Files to Media Manager making uploading much easier to upload a whole directory of images or files.
7.5. Attribute Editor Overhaul
Attributes are now assigned per product allowing easy creation and assignment to every product
7.5. Newsletter Tracker
Redesigned and Developed the Newsletter Tracker Stats details now possible to view tracker for send to all newsletters
7.5. Benchmark
Updates to the benchmark system sending warning emails if the website loads slowly
7.5. Make HTML version
Create the html version of your website with one click ensuring your website is available when database errors occur
7.5. Backup Added to main smenu
Quickly backup the database before any work commences so we can revert if any problems arise
7.5. Update to User Editor
Showing Purchases and other useful details on User s list as well as allowing multiple users to be selected and updated together
7.5. How to Guides Added
Added a new section for How to Guides... Showing step by step on how to do the most common functions within the CMS
7.5. SEO Meta Data Updates
New SEO Meta Data features make adding Meta Data faster and easier as well as showing duplicate entries and missing data
7.5. Media Manager Thumbnail Creator
Added feature to create thumbnails for every image within a folder and store them in the thumbnails folder
7.5. Database Failure page now shows HTML version
If a database error occurs the system will now show the saved html version of the page trying to load
7.5. HTML Backup of all pages
Complete backup of all pages to HTML ready for offline or database errors
7.4.5 Enhancements to the Newsletter System
Creation of a html versions of each newsletter, sending that rather than building the entire newsletter every time, also allowing for faster sending and personalisation features
7.4.5 Bug Fixes
Tidying up and bug fixing
7.4.5 Domains Increase in Price
Domains have increased in price due to the exchange rate being so poor.
7.4.5 Customer Manager Updates
Updated display properties of your customers, adding new features and fixing bugs.
7.4.5 Dashboard Live Stats
Added best selling products top 5
7.4.2 Quiz, Survey, Question Editor Enhandements
Enhancements and added features to the Quiz, Survey and Question Editor now allows multiple templates and answers can be shown or hidden until the end, emails sent with CSV data for import into any spreadsheet.
7.4.2 Login Security
Updating the login security checking against previous logins and determining whether a new user or attempted hack.
7.4.2 Question Editor Enhancements
Enhanced the Question Editor to manage Questions, Surveys and now Quizzes
7.4.2 Survey system updated
Loads of new features for our survey builder, making for a simple to build, use, send and collate surveys.
7.4.2 SEO Meta Data update
Making it easier and faster to find pages without Meta Data and edit the details ensuring SEO work is working on each page
7.4.2 Gift Card Emailer
Corrected some issues with the gift card system when sending automatically to customers after purchase is successful.
7.4.2 Order Processing Front End
Created a new Front End management tool for those customers who do not want to login to the full backend CMS.
7.4.0 Newsletter Redesign
Developed a Drag and Drop system allowing styles to be positioned quickly to create a layout ready to populate with content.
7.4.0 Abandoned Cart Emails
Send emails to customers who added items to their basket, registered but did not pirchase, allowing them to continue the process. Also create and send a discount voucher to convince them to purchase..
7.4.0 Discount Codes
Discounts can now be created and sent to abandoned basket customers
7.4.0 Duplicate Products
Now products can be duplicated making it easy to create new products based on existing products.
7.4.0 Dashboard Live Stats
Updates live stats on the login dashboard to show more relevant sales data
7.3.0 SEO Meta Data Update
When updating Content Names the system now updates the Meta Name URL link keeping all the meta data connected to the right piece of content
7.2.1 Dashboard now shows attempted logins
A good way to see if your website is under attack is to see how many attempted and failed logins have occurred, this has now been added to the dashboard live data.
7.2.1 Quick pricing updates for Products
along with the stock update I have now added a quick update for the List price and RRP of products from the list of products
7.2.1 Quickly Hide or Show Content
CSelecting Hide or Show Content icons now stays on the page rather than having to refresh, making this faster and easier.
7.2.1 SEO Enhancements
Added a visual representation of what the search engine results would look like when SEO details are updated
7.2.1 Quick and easy navigation
When editing content new navigation has been added to move quickly and easily between the content.
7.2.1 Gift Card Creation
If a cart contains a Gift Card that was not created then admin can now click a link to create the gift card.
7.2.1 Create Vouchers for Abandoned Carts
Create and send voucher codes to abandoned carts enticing them to return to your store
7.2.1 Product Manager Page Jump
As well as next and previous buttons it is now possible to put the page number of a product and it jumps straight to that product item
7.2.1 Discount Voucher Manager
Create Discount Vouchers for use in your shop and send a nicely designed email to customers.
7.2.1 Product Attributes Enhanced
Added new editor for attribute creation for ecommerce product
7.2.1 Dashboard live data additions
Added inbound advertising and tracked advertising links to dashboard
7.2.1 Sort Dashboard Display
Sort the dashboard to show the details in the order that they are important to you.
7.2.1 Dashboard Enhancements
Displaying sales data including Abandoned Carts, Sales for the past week along with who's online now, how many people are logged in, people at checkout and baskets created
7.2.1 DRA Opens a Simple Shop
I have opened a simple shop to show an example of what is possible, whether you are selling physical or digital products and services.
7.2.1 eCommerce Order System
Updates to the Ordering system showing notes as updates are made.
7.2.1 Abandoned Cart Email
Send an abandoned cart email to customers to remind them what they were purchasing.
7.2.0 Members Editor
Enhanced Members editor, making it easier to manage your Users, Members, and Customers
7.1.26 Digital Downloads
Enhanced digital download system allowing digital products to be sold from our simple ecommerce system.
7.1.25 Edit CSV and Text files
You can now Edit CSV and TEXT files direct from the Media Manager
7.1.24 Secure External Email Service
Allows Web services to send using your external email services such as Gmail or Outlook or others, making it less likely to being blocked or bounced.
7.1.23 CMS Updates
SQL database and code updates now implemented to make it easier for me to update all CMS in one go.
7.1.22 Complete Email Overhaul
Major Email Overhaul preventing emails being rejected or bounced
7.1.21 meta Update
All meta fields now show character and word count.
7.1.20 Enhanced Content Editor
Some new features to make viewing and editing the content easier.
7.1.19 SEO enhanced
New SEO features added to enable better search engine features on e-commerce products
7.1.18 Variable Editor
Enhancements to the Variable Editor making it easier to edit variables quickly including copying all variables from a content item and pasting all variables directly into another product.
7.1.17 Export stock levels
Export stock list to CSV or XML allowing you to update your stock quickly then import
7.1.16 Export enhancements
CSV and XML export enhancements
7.1.15 New Function Features
Additional features added to function list allowing for easier additions to content.
7.1.14 Live Data Feed
Live data feed added to dashboard charts
7.0.13 Ad manager Dashboard Display
adding new stats to show ad data
7.0.12 Dashboard Design Enhancements
Added ability to sort the dashboard layout and save for each individual user and the Default settings.
7.0.11 Ad Manager
7.0.10 Product Manager
7.0.9 Sales Manager
7.0.8 Newsletter Manager
7.0.7 Mailing list Manager
7.0.6 Gift Card Manager
7.0.5 Online Sales Portal
7.0.4 Enhancements across the CMS
7.0.3 SEO Updates
Some new features added to make SEO work easier and faster.
7.0.2 Contacts Manager
7.0.1 Update of CMS to Version 7.0
6.0.0 Update of CMS to Version 6.0
5.0.0 Update of CMS to Version 5.0
5.0.0 New CMS Control Panel
I am working on a new control panel to bring it up to date and work more efficiently on our new servers. The old CMS will continue to work until we have upgraded and transferred all older sites across to our new servers. Please let me know if you would like to trial the new CMS and I can set it up on your account first.
4.0.0 Server Upgrades
We have begun the process of upgrading our servers to shiny new, fast and more efficient PHP7. If you have had work carried out on your website within the past year and your coding is PHP7 ready then your domains and website will be transferred across. If you have an older system then we will not be able to transfer until your website is updated.
4.0.0 Category Selector in eCommerce editor
You can now select to show a specific category within the e-Commerce editor, drop down appears next to the number of items to show section at top, select a category and only that set of products will be seen.
4.0.0 New SEO management package
We are launching a new service and would like to offer this to our current clients at a discount rate; from 50GBP per month for 12 month contract, for us to monitor your website throughout the year ensuring your site is running at its optimum. During the contract period we will check and update your website, add and check xml sitemap and robot files, create title tags, create meta tags, design a Favicon, check site links, check offsite links, check for duplicate content and duplicate tags, 404 page creation and error checks, link enhancements and fixes, landing page creation if required, tracking codes for ads and links set up to see how your marketing budget is working for you. We can also add Google analytics codes for even more data gathering. Call David or Christina now for more information.
4.0.0 Advanced Contact Manager
We have developed a new Contact Manager that allows quick and easy responses to your customers. They fill in your contact form, an email is sent to you and an optional SMS direct to your mobile phone, click a simple link to respond to the email using set responses. The customer receives your response email and can even set a date with a calendar entry if required. If you are interested in this feature please let us know.
4.0.0 Extra Shiny New Fields
A new feature has been added to our content editor allowing multiple new fields to be created and used within your content. Adding a new content field called SKU for instance can then contain a SKU code to identify items and then be included within your content using {sku} code. This can also be used within new pages created specifically to include those fields such as product SKU codes within Google shopping system.
4.0.0 Weekly Stats become Monthly Stats
Welcome to the new Monthly Stats. We are not really sure if anyone is really paying attention to our weekly stats, we have re-engineered them so they look much better, in our opinion, and will only be sending them monthly. This means that at the beginning of each month the stats will be sent out for the previous month, this should make things easier to analyse and understand what is happening with your website. Your stats should come through between the 2nd and 10th of each month depending on your particular backup settings. Let us know what you think.
4.0.0 e-Commerce Updates
We are making a huge number of changes to our e-Commerce system, including easier ways to check stock levels and import and export products. The latest change allows you to view stock levels and adjust them with one click + or - to quickly update them. View products in stock or out of stock and then adjust accordingly. Stay tuned for more changes.
4.0.0 Wish List System
Allow your customers to build a wish list and send it to their friends and family, reminding them of what they wanted to buy. Need this added to your website then contact us and we will make it happen for you.
4.0.0 Table Editor Direct in the Content Editor
Now you can edit tables directly within the Content Editor, no need to jump back and forth, insert Tables easily and quickly.
4.0.0 Import and work on new Products
Update of our Product Editor allows importing of new Products to an editing area, allowing the products to be worked on prior to making them live. Archiving of Products allows older/discontinued products to be archived but remain on the system for reference within the shipping management tool. Archived Products and New Products are not available to the general visitors on the site and will not be shown within the shop front. Method of use would be 1. Import new Products 2. Edit New Products 3. Move old products across to Archive 4. Move New Products to Active list.
4.0.0 File Manager
Updated the file manager to make viewing and selecting files a lot easier. Files are now colour coded to make them much easier to identify. The Browser system will be upgraded to use the same system very soon.
4.0.0 Related Products and Ratings System
We are working on adding a new Ratings and Review System on to our eCommerce platform, along with a much anticipated Related Products for those products you need to sell alongside other products as well as for up-selling. If you are interested please contact David or Christina now to install these great new features and schedule the work.
4.0.0 e-Commerce Updates
We are in the process of updating the layout and features in our e-Commerce system. Many of these new features will be included as part of our ongoing work, some features will be available to add on. Please stay tuned for specific details.
4.0.0 Google Street View photography
David is now a Google Approved Photographer and able to add your business premises to the Google Street View service, allowing your customers to go inside your business and look around while online using their browser. Book your free assessment now.
4.0.0 Multi-lingual websites
Our multi-lingual website feature is now available, if you would like to run your website in multiple languages then contact us now and we can convert your site.
4.0.0 New Login Page
Hope you all like the new Login Page which now makes it easier to contact us at DRA, as well as getting a reminder of your password if you happen to forget it. Please let us know if you experience any issues.
4.0.0 Check for Updates
When starting up the dashboard of the CMS you should notice a new, green, button at the top, 'Check for Updates', this allows a download of the latest CMS to be made. Click the button to see if the CMS is up to date and running the latest version.
4.0.0 Multi-Lingual Sites
We are working on a new feature to allow multi-languages to be used. Several options will be available ranging from simply enabling the multi-lingual system ready for the translations up to the complete package including translating the site. Whether you want to translate the content or just the navigation we will be able to handle all aspects of a multi-lingual site design. Ask for a quote now based on your requirements.
4.0.0 Webmail update
It is now possible to change your password when logged in to our webmail service.
Classic Webmail:
1. Select 'Options' from the top menu
2. Click on the link for 'Change Password'Advanced Webmail:
1. Select the 'Personal Settings' link from the top menu
2. Select the 'Password' tab -
4.0.0 Multiple File Uploader
The file browser and media centre now handles multiple uploads. You may now select multiple files using SHIFT + Select or drag and highlight using your mouse. Please be patient with the uploader as dealing with multiple files can increase the time the server does not respond. Please do not refresh or move away from the page until the uploads are complete. We will be adding some visual progress bars eventually.
4.0.0 More updates have been made
We have been updating the CMS steadily without interfering with the running of your website.
Here are just a few;
Spam killer for blogs, when someone posts a spammy link just click the Spam and the details will be added to a spam black list.
Delete a link in comments with one easy click.
Search feature for content (in CMS) now shows how many items containing your search term.
Blog post counter for each user.
New login tracker, now you can see how often and more importantly how long each user has logged in each month.
So many more new SEO features including Landing Page editor, easy SEO updates, etc. Call us for more information. -
4.0.0 Comments OFF
For those clients using our Blog system we have added a new way of turning comments on and off.
You may now, with one click, turn comments off throughout your entire site or for individual posts.
In your new improved CMS you will notice in the Blog posts content that there is a new icon showing Comments On or Comments Off. One click is enough. Site wide comments can be switched off using the drop down menu at top right, and selecting Comments Off.
Again any feedback, good or bad, is appreciated.
4.0.0 Updating Client CMS systems
We have spent the last six months updating our CMS to make it more user friendly and easier to manage. Version 4.0 is a whole new direction for us which will hopefully make managing your website much easier.
We are now in the process of updating all users to our new CMS version 4.0, This may take some time so please be patient with us.
Any feedback would be gratefully received. If you have any issues during or after this update please let us know and we will schedule work immediately.
4.0.0 CMS Update Version 4.0
We are currently upgrading our CMS to version 4.0 with the main aim to make it easier to use and cleaner in style.
Hopefully we will be rolling this out over the next few weeks, although we will continue to work on it over the next few months.
Another option that we are trying hard to complete is a WYSIWYG editor for bloggers, this will allow a Microsoft Word style editor allowing you to see what will be displayed on the blog. This editor will most likely be installed at a small charge to cover our development costs but this charge will depend on how many of you would like the editor in the first instance. If you are interested in this editor please contact us.
4.0.0 Enquiry form Tracking
It is now possible for you to track your visitor enquiries, without logging in or checking your stats. A new feature allows all the details of an enquiry to be added to the end of the email, so you will see where they came from and which web pages they visited before filling in the enquiry form. This is very important information as you can now track whether links or adverts you are paying for online are working for you without having to check your stats as each enquiry form will contain a tracer showing where the lead was generated from. Please let us know if this service is of interest and if you would like it installed on your website.
4.0.0 New button bar features
New buttons available on news editor as well as blog editor;
SoundCloud audio player
More text to separate text, place a [---] code in your main text and when the system displays shortened versions this will be the cutoff point or also known as introduction text.
4.0.0 New features added
We are in the process of updating our CMS layout and look, making it easier to navigate and more obvious for what to do.
Any ideas or suggestions please email us.