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Why Choose to Work With Us
Experience generates great ContentWe'll create a strategy for using content to meet your marketing objectives and plan, create and implement relevant content that makes a difference to your bottom line.
Here at DRA we've been creating great content for years, recognising its potential for bringing our clients targeted search traffic from Google and other search engines.
Why you need to Invest in Content Marketing
Reach more of the right CustomersThree quarters of buyers now conduct online research before they purchase. They can use Google search results, YouTube videos, questions on social media or reading customer reviews. You need to be in these places catching potential customers attention.
Content marketing can work as part of a wider inbound marketing strategy, combining many digital marketing elements into a campaign designed to attract, engage and convert your ideal customers into actual customers.

Content Marketing
Attract more customersContent marketing uses helpful, relevant content to address the questions your potential customers are asking. It involves providing the right information at each stage your potential customers go through when making their decision to buy from you.
Starting with attracting their attention, engaging them, through to providing the right information that will help them choose you as a supplier.
Content marketing actively helps people find what they need, instead of traditional advertising that interrupts customers.