Garden Buildings Website Design

Date: 2022

Client: HSP Garden Buildings

Location: Mildenhall, Suffolk

Website: Visit Live site

What we did

  • Secure Hosting
  • Design
  • CMS
  • Website Management
  • SEO

Jamie at HSP Garden Buildings had created a Wordpress site and was trying to manage it, SEO, PPC and his business.

What we did for HSP Garden Buildings

  He came to us to take a little pressure off and get some traction in the search engines.

We moved his site across to our Secure Hosting services, recreated his original website (with some enhancements) and started work on the technical SEO and ongoing SEO to help attract more customers.

The first stage of this was to give them a faster loading, more efficient website than Wordpress can offer, and allowing them to concentrate on their business without worrying about the website being up to date and functioning.

Garden Buildings Website Design